Displaying 2621 - 2630 of 4199
Event Dates
Varese, Italy

The workshop will mainly focus on the main SCAR Horizon Scan questions and the future hot scientific topics concerning the permafrost environment in Antarctica. For the past 20 years, research has mainly focused on the thermal state of permafrost and the active layer, periglacial processes and

Arctic Observations, Data and Society: Using Systems Science and Mediation to Enhance Information Flow for Sustainability

Event Dates
12:00-1:00 p.m. EDT at the ARCUS D.C. Office: 1201 New York Avenue, NW Washington D.C. and online for event live-stream

ARCUS invites registration for the following presentation:

Presentation Title: Arctic Observations, Data and Society: Using Systems Science and Mediation to Enhance Information Flow for Sustainability
Speaker: Peter Pulsifer, National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)


Event Dates

PolarTREC is currently accepting applications from Researchers for teacher research experiences. Researchers are invited to submit an application to host a PolarTREC teacher in the 2018 arctic and/or the 2018-2019 Antarctic field seasons.

**The application deadline has been extended to Monday, 2

Event Dates

PolarTREC (Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating) is currently accepting applications from teachers, informal science educators, and researchers for teacher research experiences.

For 2018-2019, we are accepting applications from both U.S. informal science educators as well as

Marine Research in the North Pacific: The changing landscape for fisheries, ecosystems, and science funding in Alaskan waters

Event Dates
12:00-1:00 p.m. EDT at the ARCUS D.C. Office: 1201 New York Avenue, NW Washington D.C. and online for event live-stream

ARCUS invites registration for the following presentation:

Presentation Title: Marine Research in the North Pacific: The changing landscape for fisheries, ecosystems, and science funding in Alaskan waters
Speaker: Betsy Baker, North Pacific Research Board (NPRB)

Abstract: Betsy

Event Dates
University Centre Obergurgl, Tyrol, Austria

Long-term research programs steadily gained in importance over the last decades, monitoring worldwide issues such as climate change, land use changes, deposition and accumulation of pollutants, acceleration of socio-economic evolution, and analyzing their influences on ecosystems. Ecological and

Event Dates
AAAS Headquarters: 1200 New York Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20005

Washington, DC - The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) is organizing a panel of Arctic scientists at AAAS Headquarters (1200 New York Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20005) on Wednesday, 27 September (3:00-5:00pm EDT) to discuss global lessons from a thawing Arctic. The Arctic is warming twice

Event Dates
Loma-Vietonen, Finland

The 7th symposium will address this year political aspects of life in the Arctic as well as the Arctic life as an object of politics, even in the academia. Life in the Arctic has become politicized in many ways due to the effects and challenges posed by climate change, industrialization

Event Dates
Centre for Ice and Climate, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Ice Core Analysis and Techniques (ICAT) aims to educate a new generation of ice core researchers and foster a collaborative environment for future glaciological projects. This course will educate young scientists regarding new methods developed for the analysis of ice cores with regard to climate

Event Dates
University of Cambridge in Cambridge, United Kingdom

This one-day event will address climate model representation of sea ice and the fundamental and applied issues in mathematical modeling of sea ice. In particular, it will seek to identify future priorities for climate sea ice model development. The workshop will include the presentation and