Displaying 3021 - 3030 of 4213
Event Dates
St. Petersburg, Russia

We are excited to invite you to the first UArctic Congress, held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, from September 12-16, 2016. It will be hosted by Saint Petersburg State University and will feature Science and Meeting sections, including:

* Acclaimed keynote speakers and scientific experts

Event Dates
Homer, Alaska

The theme of the 14th ICRSS symposium is Remote Sensing applications for addressing emerging research questions and management needs in polar regions. This symposium is unique in that it deals specifically with remote sensing applications in Arctic and Antarctic environments and how the broad suite

Event Dates
Trieste, Italy

This session invites contributions to discuss all the aspects of the cryosphere interacting with the climate system, at various time scales and from both modelling and observational point of view and addressing past, present and future variability. The cryosphere represents one of the Earth system

Event Dates
University of Leeds, England

As part of the Scientific Exploitation of Operational Missions (SEOM) programme element, the European Space Agency (ESA) is organising a new advanced Cryosphere Training Course devoted to train the next generation of Earth Observation (EO) scientists to exploit data from ESA and operational EO

Event Dates
Vienna, Austria

The Arctic-FROST research coordination network announces the availability of travel awards for Early Career Researchers to attend The Third Arctic-FROST network meeting and Early Career Scholars Workshop on Arctic Sustainability in the Global Context.

Arctic FRontiers Of SusTainability: Resources

Event Dates
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

Registration closes July 1st, 2016.

The goal of the workshop is to develop and propose a strategy to improve estimates of the SMB of the GrIS that build on community input. The outcomes of the workshop will provide, among other things, community-driven guidance to funding agencies on targeted

Event Dates
University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom

Geography and Environment at the University of Southampton is delighted to be hosting the British Branch meeting of the International Glaciological Society.

The conference will include oral and poster presentations, spread over two days, on a wide range of snow and ice research. Registration and

Event Dates

The Arctic Change and Its Influence on Mid-Latitude Climate and Weather​ Workshop​ will take place on February 1-3, 2017 in Washington, DC.

The Arctic has warmed more than twice as fast as the global average, experienced rapid loss of sea ice, and collapse of warm season snow cover. These

Event Dates
Reykjavik, Iceland

The conference is intended to promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas between planetary and terrestrial scientists interested in Mars polar and climate research. In recognition of the broad scope, interdisciplinary nature and strong international interest in this topic, we welcome participation

Event Dates
Apatity town, Murmansk region, Russia

We are pleased to announce the International school-conference for young scientists “Climate, geography and environment of the Russian Arctic”.

The conference is organized by the Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems (Kola Science Center RAS), Institute of Geography RAS, the Faculty