Displaying 311 - 320 of 4210
Event Dates
Online, 6:30 p.m./10:30 p.m. ET

Biologists from NOAA Fisheries will present results of their recent research on bearded, ribbon, ringed, and spotted seals. They will share their fieldwork plans to study these seals in the Bering Strait region (and elsewhere) during Spring 2024. Hear how these important subsistence resources are

Event Dates
Tarraleah, Tasmania, Australia

Save the date: Organizers are planning a workshop on subglacial and englacial hydrology and geology in Tarraleah, Tasmania, from 17-19 October 2023. It will be three full days of presentations, discussions, and short field trips to look at subglacial and periglacial landforms in a Gondwana setting.

Advancing Nature and Positive Solutions for Net Zero and Sustainable Future

Event Dates
Rome, Italy

The 2nd World Conference on Climate Change and Sustainability anticipates all the eminent personalities interested in participating from worldwide to this Global Conference on Climate Change, at Leonardo Boutique Hotel Rome Termini, Rome, Italy.

The conference will focus on a variety of

Event Dates

The 4th International Conference on Snow Hydrology will take place in Grenoble, France from 30 January to 2 February 2024.

Storage and release of water from seasonal snow covers constitute critical components of the hydrological cycle in many parts of the world, affecting water availability

Event Dates

The 11th Annual World Congress of Ocean-2023 (WCO-2023) will be held from 15-17 November 2023 in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. WCO series congress contribute to offering professionals in the field of ocean a multidisciplinary informative cooperative platform, and it has been the most definite and grand

Event Dates

The United States Permafrost Association (USPA) is excited to offer three travel funding opportunities for early-career researchers to attend the AGU Fall 2023 Meeting. Apply by 13 October 2023.

Fulfilling the Trust Responsibility to Indian Tribes in the Stewardship of Federal Lands and Waters

Event Dates
Online: 9:00-11:00 am HDT, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm AKDT, 3:00-5:00 pm EDT

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is hosting the consultations and engagement sessions on advancing co-stewardship as outlined in the Joint Secretarial Order 3403.

On November 21, 2022, in

Event Dates
Online: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm AKDT, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT

At just over 1 million square nautical miles in size and 66 percent unmapped as of January 2023, Alaska's ocean waters are the least mapped relative to any other U.S. state. The existing maps are sparse and predate modern mapping technologies, leaving much unknown about the Alaska seafloor and its

Speakers: Scott Handel (NOAA Climate Prediction Center) & Rick Thoman (Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy)

Event Dates
Online: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm AKDT, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT

El Niño is back and is making news. Beyond the headlines, what does that mean for Alaska and beyond? Scott Handel with NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center will provide a broad overview: what is El Niño, how does it relate to La Niña, and how do the variations in equatorial Pacific ocean temperatures

Post-Human Dialogues: Rethinking Human-Nature Relations in and through the Arctic

Event Dates
Rovaniemi, Finland

The Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland invites researchers at any level to submit proposals for the first Critical Arctic Studies Symposium on the theme “Post-Human Dialogues: Rethinking Human-Nature Relations in and through the Arctic”.

We live in the age of polycrisis (or permacrisis)