Displaying 3321 - 3330 of 4213
Event Dates
Vienna, Austria

The organizers would like to announce that registration and abstracts submission for the 1st Central European Polar Meeting are now possible. The meeting will be held from 10-13 November 2015 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria.

In 2015 the 100th anniversary of the death of

Multi-stressors in the Arctic Marine Ecosystem

Event Dates
Tromsø, Norway

The Arctic Ocean and its adjacent seas and coasts are currently undergoing unprecedented changes reflected in summer sea ice decline, warming, increased Atlantic water heat transport, freshening, retreat of glaciers, and ocean acidification. These changes are affecting the chemical and physical

Plenary Talk at the Implications of a Changing Arctic on Water Resources and Agriculture in the Central U.S. Workshop

Event Dates
University Nebraska-Lincoln's School of Natural Resources

Sea Ice Action Team Co-Chair, Jennifer Francis, will be the plenary speaker for the Implications of a Changing Arctic on Water Resources and Agriculture in the Central U.S. workshop taking place at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's School of Natural Resources on November 10, 2015 from 7-9pm.

Event Dates
Woods Hole, Massachusetts

We are pleased to announce the 9th Graduate Climate Conference, which will be held November 6th-8th in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

The goal of this graduate student-organized conference is to assemble a broad range of talks and posters featuring high-quality student research focused on past

Event Dates
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS) will convene an interdisciplinary conference of early career scientists working on Arctic issues. The meeting, held every three years, is cross-disciplinary and diverse, and our goal is to welcome 200 to 400 international

Event Dates
St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada

Arctic Shipping Forum North America 2015 - essential information for understanding the challenges of shipping operations in the Arctic. The ONLY event in North America dedicated to examining shipping operations in the Arctic.

• Pre-conference workshop: Introduction to the Nunavut Marine

Event Dates

The Geosciences and Education and Human Resources Directorates are partnering to advance and develop understanding of learning environments that build upon the rich interdisciplinary resources emerging from polar investments. To that end, the Division of Polar Programs (PLR), the Division of

ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers

Event Dates
United States

The goals of the ADVANCE program are (1) to develop systemic approaches to increase the representation and advancement of women in academic STEM careers; (2) to develop innovative and sustainable ways to promote gender equity in the STEM academic workforce; and (3) to contribute to the development

The Polar Oceans and Climate Change

Event Dates
La Jolla, California

In commemoration of its 80th anniversary, the American Polar Society will join with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography to bring together world-class leaders in science and diplomacy to discuss the role of polar oceans in global climate change.

Speakers include:

* Capt. Alfred McLaren

Event Dates
Hyannis, Massachusetts

The Forum for Arctic Ocean Modeling and Observational Synthesis (FAMOS) is an international effort to focus on enhancing collaboration and coordination among arctic marine and sea ice modelers, theoreticians and observationalists based on a set of activities starting from generating hypotheses, to