Displaying 3691 - 3700 of 4213

Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee

Event Dates
Online 2:00pm to 3:00pm EDT

IARPC Collaboration Teams meet on a regular basis to implement the Arctic Research Plan: FY 2013-2017. Most meetings are open to the Arctic research community. Collaboration teams facilitate communication and collaboration between Federal agencies, the academic community, industry, non-governmental

Event Dates
Charleston, South Carolina

This workshop brings together those with research and operational/logistical interests in Antarctic meteorology and forecasting and related disciplines. As in the past, the annual activities and status of the observing (e.g. Automatic Weather Stations) and modeling (Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction

Event Dates
Houston, Texas

The 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology sponsored by the American Academy of Sciences will be held on June 9-13, 2014 in Houston, Texas, USA. The conference will provide a multidisciplinary platform for environmental scientists, engineers, management professionals

Event Dates
Sacramento, California

The Californian Goldschmidt will take place in Sacramento between June 8th and June 13th, 2014. Goldschmidt2014 will follow the pattern established for the recent Goldschmidt conferences, and should be the prime forum for all recent developments in Geochemistry and related fields. The venue is

Event Dates
Fairbanks, Alaska

The University of Alaska Fairbanks, through its Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning program, announces open registrations for a summer field course, entitled "Arctic Alaska Environmental Change." The course is offered to undergraduate and graduate students, will be held 6-21 June 2014, and based

'Diversity and State of Polar Ecosystems'

Event Dates
Wroclaw, Poland

The organizing committee of the 35th Polar Symposium announce that it will be held 5-7 June 2014. It will be convened in Wroclaw, Poland, at the Training Centre of the National Labour Inspectorate.

The 2014 symposium will be entitled 'Diversity and State of Polar Ecosystems.' Anyone interested in

Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee

Event Dates
Online 3:00pm to 4:00pm EDT

IARPC Collaboration Teams meet on a regular basis to implement the Arctic Research Plan: FY 2013-2017. Most meetings are open to the Arctic research community. Collaboration teams facilitate communication and collaboration between Federal agencies, the academic community, industry, non-governmental

Snow and Ice in Mountain Environments

Event Dates
Boone, North Carolina

The 71st Eastern Snow Conference (ESC) will be held at Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, USA, from 3-5 June 2014. The ESC is an international organization in Canada and the United States concerned with snow and ice, in particular the origin, precipitation, accumulation, character

Event Dates
Online: 12:00-1:30PM EDT

On behalf of the Belmont Forum, we invite you to a second researcher matching webinar on Tuesday, June 3rd, from 12pm-1:30pm Eastern Time that focuses on the breadth of end users and best practices for engagement of end users in the development and implementation of research projects. The webinar

Event Dates
Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

The Network for Sustainable Climate Risk Management (SCRiM) links a transdisciplinary team of climate scientists, economists, philosophers, statisticians, engineers, and policy analysts to answer the question, “What are sustainable, scientifically sound, technologically feasible, economically