Displaying 3771 - 3780 of 4211

Towards Ecosystem-based Management in a Changing Arctic Ocean

Event Dates
Brussels, Belgium

The 4th European Marine Board Forum will bring together Arctic stakeholders from multiple sectors (science, industry, policy & governance, NGOs, etc.) to:

* Discuss current trends and patterns of change in Arctic Ocean ecosystems, including human activity;
* Identify possible "2050" scenarios

Event Dates
Online, 10—11am AKST

Climate change is complicating the variables that Alaskans consider when planning for the future. Communities, agencies and other entities have begun to grapple with both the information that they need to adapt to a changing climate and how the processes and practices of science should change to

Event Dates
London, United Kingdom

With the melting of Arctic sea ice, the predictions for the shipping sector in the Arctic have radically changed. The Northern Sea Route and the North West Passage could become major trading routes in the near future. Transports between Europe and Asia could be cut by up to 40 % in costs and time

Event Dates
Rovaniemi, Finland

The 5th Arctic Business Forum in March 2014 introduces the Rising Business Potential in the Arctic Vast natural resources and melting of arctic sea ice have led the arctic regions to become an interesting new destination for investments. Only this decade the European High North region hold

Event Dates
Hobart, Tasmania

The International Glaciological Society will hold an International Symposium on Sea Ice in a Changing Environment in 2014. The symposium will be held in Hobart, Australia from 10 to 14 March 2014. This will be the fourth IGS symposium dedicated to sea-ice research.

Topics are to include:


Event Dates
Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, Davos, Switzerland

The Intercomparison of Snow Grain Size Measurements Workshop will take place from March 9-14, 2014 in Davos, Switzerland, and a follow-up workshop from August 4-5, 2014 in Reading, UK. It was motivated by the "IACS Snow Grain Size Workshop - Measurements and Applications" held April 2013 in Grenoble

Event Dates
Online: 3:00PM EST

Presenter: Dr. David A. Robinson - Rutgers University, Department of Geography

Annual snow cover extent (SCE) over Northern Hemisphere (NH) lands averages 25.8 million square kilometers. It ranges from an average of 47.1 million sq. km. in January to 3.0 million sq. km. (mostly atop

Event Dates
Innsbruck, Austria

The 18th Alpine Glaciology Meeting (AGM) will take place in Innsbruck, Austria, on February 27-28, 2014.

The AGM is an informal platform where young and senior researchers can meet in a relaxed atmosphere and we very much look forward to provide this setting also for the 18th AGM in Innsbruck

Event Dates
London, United Kingdom

Organizers of the 5th Polar Shipping Summit announce a call for registration. The summit will convene 26-27 February 2014 in London, United Kingdom.

The goal of the Polar Shipping Summit is to create awareness of international commercial shipping to the North American region and promote

Event Dates
Honolulu, Hawaii

The 17th biennial Ocean Sciences Meeting, co-sponsored by the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), The Oceanography Society (TOS), and the American Geophysical Union (AGU), will be held at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu from 23-28 February 2014. The Ocean