Displaying 3931 - 3940 of 4199

Arctic Science Summit Week 2013

Event Dates
Krakow, Poland

The five Working Groups (WGs) of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) will meet in conjunction with the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2013 in Krakow, Poland on 13-19 April 2013.

The WGs (Marine, Terrestrial, Atmosphere, Cryosphere, and Human and Social) are the main tool by

Event Dates
Krakow, Poland

The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2013 is a three day science symposium. The over-all theme of the symposium is “The Arctic Hub - Regional and Global Perspectives”.

The ASSW is an initiative of IASC. The purpose of the summit is to provide opportunities for coordination, collaboration and

Event Dates
Nerungry, Russia

The aim of this conference is to establish contacts between students, post-graduate students and young scientists of the Russian Federation and foreign countries for the exchange of academic ideas and research results, stimulation of interest to the research activity, and the identification of

Event Dates
Sisimiut, Greenland

Organizers announce that a conference on 'Sustainability in Mining in the Arctic' will be held 9-11 April 2013 at the Sanaartornermik Ilinniarfik facilities in Sisimiut, Greenland. Abstracts are now being accepted, and must be submitted by Saturday, 15 December 2012 -- please note that this deadline

Event Dates
Los Angeles, California

The Association of American Geographers (AAG) announces the Polar Geography and Cryosphere special sessions topics and calls for abstracts for the 2013 AAG Annual Meetings. The meetings will be held 9-12 April 2013 in Los Angeles, California.

Polar Geography and Cryosphere special sessions

Event Dates
Nantes, France

Contributions are invited on all topics within geo-information and remote sensing applications. Organizers especially welcome contributions on existing and future orbital IS sensors, existing and future airborne IS sensors, image processing methods and tools, new analytical techniques, calibration

Event Dates
Vienna, Austria

The EGU General Assembly 2013 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world into one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences. Especially for young scientists, it is the aim of the EGU to provide a forum where they can present their work and discuss

Event Dates
Akasofu Building, Room 204, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 5:00-7:00pm

The Geophysical Institute and International Arctic Research Center are sponsoring a First Friday event entitled "Views of the Boreal Forest," on April 5, 2013 in Room 204 of the Akasofu Building on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus. The art show will feature unique perspectives of northern

Event Dates
London, United Kingdom

The main theme of the conference is the examination of high frequency climate changes reflected in the geological record, and the pacings of change and their geological consequences, during the Holocene (the past 11,700 years). The meeting will be divided into sessions on ocean change, sea-level

Event Dates
Online: 1700 GMT

Scientific writing is like a language. To become fluent you need to overcome a certain amount of fear. You need to repeat the techniques you have learnt so that your skills improve. Finally, you need to continue to talk this new language so that you do not forget your new skills. ClimateSnack