Displaying 511 - 520 of 4213
Event Dates
Online: 1:00-2:00 pm AKDT, 5:00-6:00 pm EDT

Join the Alaska Marine Policy Forum, sponsored by Alaska Sea Grant and Alaska Ocean Observing System. Every other month there is a one-hour meeting with participants across the state interested in marine policy in Alaska. Hear the latest about state and federal marine funding, legislation and policy

Event Dates
Bergen, Norway and Online

How the Greenland Ice Sheet responds to climate change is important for society for a number of reasons, least of which is sea level rise. Understanding ice sheet stability is central to this effort. In this regard, lessons from the past afford a view into ice sheet processes and history on

Speakers: Celine van Breukelen (Alaska-Pacific River Forecast Center) and Rick Thoman (Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy)

Event Dates
Online: 10:00-11:00 am AKDT, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT

There’s a deep snowpack across Alaska as spring melt approaches. Celine van Breukelen with the NWS Alaska-Pacific River Forecast Center (APRFC) will review break-up basics and provide an overview of current conditions. ACCAP Alaska Climate Specialist Rick Thoman will discuss the latest subseasonal

Business in the Arctic – Spaces of Opportunities

Event Dates
Bodø, Norway

The annual High North Dialogue conference brings together major stakeholders concerned with Arctic development. The organizers encourage and facilitate dialogue to promote sustainable development in the Arctic, as well as the sharing of information and the discussion of best practices.


Event Dates

The SCAR INSTANT Conference 2023 will take place 11-14 September 2023 in Trieste, Italy.

The INStabilities & Thresholds in ANTarctica (INSTANT) Scientific Research Programme provides a co-ordinating framework that will augment other important international research initiatives and consortia.

Event Dates
Georgetown University, Washington DC

The Migration in Harmony research coordination network (MiH-RCN) is pleased to invite those in the Washington DC area to join their meeting at Georgetown University.

The goal of this meeting is to bring 25-30 Arctic academics, practitioners, and storytellers to share their current work

Event Dates
Online: 4:00-5:30 am AKDT, 8:00-9:30 am EDT, 10:00-11:30 am GMT+3

The snow is melting, the days are getting longer, and in the whip of an eyelash, Greenland will again be buzzing with research activities.

Arctic Hub wants to get a better understanding and have an overview of the research activities in Greenland. Arctic Hub would like to invite you to share your

Event Dates
Reykjavík, Iceland

The 6th Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, NOCCA23’ will be held in Iceland, Reykjavík Grand Hotel from 17-19 April 2023, the same year that Iceland will hold the Precedency at the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The focus of NOCCA 2023 is on adaptation in cities and municipalities in

Event Dates

The 10th EuroGOOS International Conference will take place 3-5 October 2023 in Galway, Ireland.

Every three years the European Global Ocean Observing System (EuroGOOS) conference provides a forum for marine scientists and technologists developing operational oceanography products, and the users

Event Dates
Finse Research Station, Norway

This training workshop is designed to connect researchers at all career stages who are interested in the intersection of glaciology and machine learning. This workshop is targeted towards researchers/students who already have basic to medium programming and machine learning skills and want to