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First Name Last Name Email
Mikhail Gelman gelman@neisri.magadan.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute - Far East Branch

Specialties: petrology, geology, mapping

Current Research: Magmatism and metamorphism in the Siberian Northeast and Western North America for comparison, and the Chukchi Peninsula in particular.

Laura Gemery laura.gemery@gmail.com

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Eastern Geology Paleoclimate Science Center

Title: Ecologist

Specialties: The USGS Arctic paleoceanography project uses evidence from marine sediments to reconstruct past environmental conditions in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas. We utilize biological and geochemical proxy records in sediment cores to reconstruct Arctic sea ice, ocean circulation and climate variability during the Quaternary. For example, faunal changes of ostracode and foraminifera assemblages from dated, downcore sediment cores can be compared to modern ostracode distribution data contained in a 1340 surface sample database (Gemery et al., 2015) to infer benthic habitat changes caused by any number of changes in oceanography.

Current Research: Current project:
To reconstruct late Quaternary (last 70ky) Eurasian Basin paleoceanography from meiofauna assemblages from several mid-depth cores on the Lomonosov Ridge obtained on the SWERUS-L2 and AOS94 expeditions. Our methods include physical stratigraphy (magnetic susceptibility, bulk density/sediment compaction and p-wave velocity) ostracode and foraminifera paleoecology and AMS 14C geochronology.

Laura Gemery lgemery@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Eastern Geology Paleoclimate Science Center

Title: Ecologist

Specialties: The USGS Arctic paleoceanography project uses evidence from marine sediments to reconstruct past environmental conditions in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas. We utilize biological and geochemical proxy records in sediment cores to reconstruct Arctic sea ice, ocean circulation and climate variability during the Quaternary. For example, faunal changes of ostracode and foraminifera assemblages from dated, downcore sediment cores can be compared to modern ostracode distribution data contained in a 1340 surface sample database (Gemery et al., 2015) to infer benthic habitat changes caused by any number of changes in oceanography.

Current Research: Current project:
To reconstruct late Quaternary (last 70ky) Eurasian Basin paleoceanography from meiofauna assemblages from several mid-depth cores on the Lomonosov Ridge obtained on the SWERUS-L2 and AOS94 expeditions. Our methods include physical stratigraphy (magnetic susceptibility, bulk density/sediment compaction and p-wave velocity) ostracode and foraminifera paleoecology and AMS 14C geochronology.

Daniel Gendron severian@avataq.qc.ca

Organization: Avataq Cultural Institute

Department: Department of Archaeology

Title: Director, Archaeologist

Specialties: archaeology, history

Current Research: Nunavik, Nunavut, Canada. Paleo-Eskimo and Neo-Eskimo archaeology. Rock art research.

Surkov Gennady ice@smng.com

Organization: Sakhalin Oil and Gas Institute

Title: Ph.D.

Specialties: sea ice, pipelines, engineering

Current Research: Sakhalin shelf.

Patricia Gensel pgensel@bio.unc.edu

Organization: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: paleobotany, paleontology, palynology

Current Research: Collaborative research on the study of Early Devonian plants from Bathurst Island.

Laurent Geoffroy laurent.geoffroy@univ-lemans.fr

Organization: Universite du Maine

Department: Department of Earth Sciences

Specialties: geodynamics, tectonophysics

Current Research: Onshore study of the NAM-Greenland-Eurasia break-up mechanisms Ongoing onshore researches in W-Greenland (Disko-Svartenhuk), E-Greenland (Kangerlussuaq area) and NE-Greenland (National Park area)

Susan Georgette susan_georgette@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department: Selawik NWR

Title: Refuge Manager

Specialties: subsistence

Current Research: Inupiat subsistence and land use.

Michael Gerding gerding@iap-kborn.de

Organization: University of Rostock

Department: Department of Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere

Specialties: atmospheric physics, climatology, meteorology

Current Research: Water vapor profiles as measured by radiosondes and lidar. Validation of water vapor profiles measured by satellites with GPS occultation technique. Arctic aerosol lidar observations.

Robert Gerlach bob.gerlach@alaska.gov

Organization: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation

Department: Department of Environmental Health

Title: State Veterinarian

Specialties: environmental health, animal physiology, animal husbandry

Current Research: Evaluating Alaskan Fish for environmental contaminants

Craig Gerlach scgerlach@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Calgary

Title: Professor

Specialties: archaeology, cultural adaptation, human/environment interaction

Current Research: Ethnoarchaeology, Zooarchaeology, Taphonomy, Subsistence and land use, Historical archaelogy, Prehistory, Beringia, Quaternary science.

Nona German nona.german@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Northern Student Education Initiative

Title: Northern Student Services Advisor

Specialties: education, Native education, social work

Current Research: Post-secondary education barriers for Inuit and students of other cultural backgrounds from the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Social work administration and program development. Social work in clinical and support services.

Hartwig Gernandt hartwig.gernandt@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Logistics Department

Title: Deputy Head

Specialties: atmospheric physics, atmospheric chemistry, climate change

Current Research: Ozone studies and natural variability. Performance of balloon-borne optical sensors. Climate impact of tropospheric aerosols. Validation of satellite data. Design and alternative energy use.

Gretchen Gettel g.gettel@un-ihe.org

Organization: IHE Delft

Department: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology - Biogeochemistry Program

Title: Senior Lecturer

Specialties: ecosystem science, aquatic ecology, benthic ecology

Current Research: Benthic nitrogen fixation in lake ecosystems. Landscape level patterns in nutrient status and nitrogen fixation.

Steven Ghan steve.ghan@pnl.gov

Organization: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Department: Climate Dynamics Group

Title: Lab Fellow

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, atmospheric physics, atmospheric chemistry

Current Research: Development and evaluation of a stratiform cloud parameterization.

Anthony Gharrett ajgharrett@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Southeast

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS)

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: genetics, fish populations, population biology

Current Research: Fisheries population. Molecular genetics

Debjani Ghatak tinna_ghatak@yahoo.com

Organization: Johns Hopkins University

Department: Earth and Environmental Sciences

Specialties: cryosphere, hydrology, climate change

Martin Ghisler mg@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Title: Associate Senior Geologist

Specialties: geology

Current Research: Arctic geology.

Michael Gibbons mgibbons19@gmail.com

Organization: Middle Georgia State College

Specialties: sociology, social change

Current Research: Social identity and identification in northern countries.

Anne Giblin agiblin@mbl.edu

Organization: Marine Biological Laboratory

Department: Ecosystems Center

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: aquatic ecology, biogeochemistry, ecosystem science

Current Research: NSF - Arctic LTER at Toolik Lake.

John Gibson jjgibson@uvic.ca

Organization: University of Victoria

Department: Department of Geography, University of Victoria

Title: Professor

Specialties: hydrology, climatology

Current Research: development of stable isotope techniques for analyzing of local to regional-scale hydrologic processes and variability and application of isotope hydrology, in combination with other methods to investigate water-related issues such as the impact of forestry, mining and past climate changes on aquatic ecosystems; continental and global isotope-system modelling, field-based comparisons of water budgets and hydrologic controls on water quality in several regional lake surveys both in Canada and the US quantitative paleoclimate reconstruction in Bolivia and the circumpolar North GIS applications in isotope hydrology in Arctic Canada

Dorothy Gibson-Wilde dgibson@co-ra.com

Organization: NorthWest Research Associates

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: atmospheric physics, aeronomy

Current Research: Arctic lidar observatory for middle atmosphere research (ALOMAR). Participation in Rayleigh and sodium lidar systems. Arctic ozone studies.

Robert Gieck, Jr. regieck@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Water and Environmental Research Center

Title: Research Professional

Specialties: hydrology, data management, meteorological instrumentation

Rolf Gilberg rolf.gilberg@natmus.dk

Title: Curator

Specialties: Inughuit, Eskimos

Current Research: Inughuit (Polar-Eskimo of North West Greenland).

Grant Gilchrist grant.gilchrist@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Northern Conservation Division

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: avian ecology

Current Research: Marine birds in the Arctic. Identifying factors affecting their survival and rates of annual reproduction. Habitat use (throughout the year), foraging ecology, impacts of human harvest.