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First Name | Last Name | ||
Elaine | Keillor | elaine_keillor@carleton.ca | Organization: Carleton University Department: School for Studies in Art and Culture: Music Title: Distinguished Research Professor Emerita Specialties: ethnomusicology, Inuit culture Current Research: -Both websites, www.nativedrums.ca and www.nativedance.ca have information on Inuit music. Currently I am heading a tema enlarging the website, Path of the Elders, with the first Role Playing Game for First Peoples of Canada: www.pathoftheelders.com |
Marja-Liisa | Keinanen | marja-liisa.keinanen@rel.su.se | Organization: Stockholm University Department: Department of Comparative Religion Title: B.A. Specialties: religion/belief systems, women's studies, ethnography Current Research: Women’s religious practices. |
Teija | Kekonen | teija.kekonen@oulu.fi | Organization: University of Oulu Department: Department of Chemistry Title: Director of Research Services Specialties: glaciochemistry, chemistry, paleoglaciology Current Research: Svalbard ice core chemistry. |
John | Keller | jwkeller@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: organic chemistry, biochemistry, chemistry Current Research: Mechanism of action of cold-adapted enzymes.Control of gene expression in psychrophilic bacteria. |
John | Kelley | jkelley@tundra.wr.usgs.gov | Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Title: Geologist Specialties: structural geology, stratigraphy Current Research: Regional framework geology and tectonic development of the Brooks Range, Alaska. |
John | Kelley | jjkelley@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Institute of Marine Science Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: marine chemistry, CO2 chemistry, acoustics Current Research: Trace metals and hydrocarbons in marine sediments and biota.Marine ecosystem modeling.NEWNET program-environmental radioactivity.Bioacoustics (Orcas).Riverine Fisheries Acoustics. |
Karen | Kelley | kdkelley@usgs.gov | Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Department: Central Region - Mineral Resources Program Title: Research Geologist Specialties: geochemistry, environmental geology, stable isotopes Current Research: Metal cycling along the subarctic coastal plain, northwest Alaska. |
John | Kelly | kelly@sri.com | Organization: SRI International Department: Center for Geospace Studies Title: Senior Program Director Specialties: auroral studies, space physics Current Research: Auroral physics.Sondrestrom facility; operations, management, and scientific use.Arctic Research Logistics Support Services.Polar Cap research - Resolute Bay facility. |
Ilan | Kelman | ilan_kelman@hotmail.com | Organization: University College London Department: IRDR and IGH Specialties: climate change, environmental health, global change, disasters, disaster risk reduction, adaptation, mitigation, sustainability, SDGs, sustainable development goals, island studies, resource management Current Research: Projects: http://www.manystrongvoices.org and http://www.csroil.org Disaster risk reduction and vulnerability reduction Disaster response Climate change mitigation and adaptation Corporate social responsibility Environmental health Global health Island studies Resource extraction Sustainable livelihoods |
Edward | Kempema | kempema@uwyo.edu | Organization: University of Wyoming Department: Department of Geology and Geophysics Title: Postdoctoral Researcher Specialties: marine geology, ice, lake ice Current Research: Fluvial anchor ice formation and ice rafting.Sediment entrainment into ice. |
Todd | Kemper | tkemper@axys.net | Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada Title: Wildlife Biologist Specialties: plant ecology, tundra ecology Current Research: I am currently studying the effects of winter seismic exploration on plant communities in the outer Mackenzie Delta, NWT, Canada. My research focus is to understand what changes in community structure and diversity occur as a result of winter vehicle traffic, and what changes in permafrost and soil properties facilitate these changes. |
Anne | Kendrick | kendrick@itk.ca | Organization: Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Title: Senior Policy Advisor Specialties: human/environment interaction |
Ben | Kennedy | bkennedy@usgs.gov | Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Department: Water Research Division Title: Hydrologist/Glaciology Specialties: glaciology, climate change, hydrology Current Research: Surface height and velocity changes of Wolverine Glacier, South Central Alaska in response to small variations in climate.Magnitude and frequency of floods in Alaska. |
John | Kennedy | kennedyj@mun.ca | Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland Department: Department of Anthropology Title: PhD Specialties: social anthropology, ethnography, Native issues Current Research: Community sustainability in northern Norway.Community sustainability.Sociocultural anthropology in Labrador communities.Inuit.Metis. |
Mahlon | Kennicutt | m-kennicutt@tamu.edu | Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station Department: Oceanography Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: environmental monitoring, marine chemistry Current Research: Developing a monitoring program for USAP, a methods manual for COMANP, and continuing study of the Exxon Valdez Spill.Chemical contaminants.Human impacts. |
John | Kennish | Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage Department: Department of Chemistry Title: Professor Specialties: biochemistry Current Research: Environmental/ecological chemistry and biochemistry.Fatty acid analysis of Alaska native plasma.Safety for Alaska native home processed seafood.Development of P450 in sculpin using antisense RNA probes. |
Sharon | Kenny | kenny.sharon@epa.gov | Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Title: Environmental Engineer |
Shawn | Kenny | shawn.kenny@carleton.ca | Organization: Carleton University Department: Ice Engineering - C-CORE Title: Associate Professor Specialties: ice/structure interaction, pipelines, geotechnical engineering Current Research: Structural and risk analysis of buried arctic pipelines subject to ice gouge events.Conducted detailed engineering assessment on pipeline system alternatives in relation to Alaskan North Slope activities. Investigations on the importance of permafrost considerations for the development of an arctic gas pipeline. |
Ron | Kent | ronkent100@gmail.com | Organization: St. Francis Xavier University Department: Environmental Engineering Title: Engineering Instructor Specialties: Sewage treatment using wetlands, wastewater treatment, environmental engineering, PHC contaminated soil cleanup Current Research: Environmental and civil engineering |
Neil | Kent | nk10003@cam.ac.uk | Organization: University of Cambridge Department: Scott Polar Research Institute Specialties: art, architecture Current Research: Arctic and Nordic social and cultural history, including art and architectural history, with respect to Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, and the Arctic islands belonging to the Nordic countries. |
James | Kenworthy | jamiek@astf.com | Specialties: Alaska public policy, arctic science policy Current Research: Funding knowledge and technology projects which promise direct benifits to Alaskans. |
Neil | Kenyon | n.kenyon@soc.soton.ac.uk | Organization: Self Department: Challenger Division Title: Consultant Geologist Specialties: marine geology, marine sedimentology, marine geophysics Current Research: Sedimentary processes east of Greenland and west of Norway and Svalbard. |
Raymond | Kepner, Jr. | ray.kepner@marist.edu | Organization: Marist College Department: Department of Biology Title: Associate Professor Specialties: aquatic ecology, aquatic microbiology, limnology |
Stefan | Kern | stefan.kern@uni-hamburg.de | Organization: Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (University of Hamburg) Department: Integrated Climate Date Centre (ICDC) Title: Senior Reseacher / Service Employee Specialties: satellite remote sensing, sea ice, snow Current Research: Quality assessment of Earth Observation products, primarily from remote sensing and primarily for sea ice and snow; Bi-polar active and passive microwave/infrared remote sensing of sea ice cover, type, and thickness, with particular emphasis on polynyas, leads and thin ice, for a better understanding of ocean-ice-atmosphere interaction; quality assessment of remote sensing data products in general |
Claus | Kern-Hansen | ckh@dmi.dk | Organization: Danish Meteorological Institute Department: Weather and Climate Information Division Title: Data and observations manager Specialties: climatology, hydrology |